Using NMock and DynamicMocks in Test Driven Development
  • 作者:zhaozj
  • 发表时间:2020-12-23 10:38
  • 来源:未知

Using NMock and DynamicMocks in Test Driven Development I was pairing with someone last night trying to test the Command pattern which lead to a useful example of using NMock to create a dynamic Mock object to help test it.  Here are some notes on how NMock can be used to create DynamicMock objects based on an interface to quickly create loosely-coupled test code.

The command pattern allows you to wrap a command inside an object so that you can pass it to another object to execute that object.  We were using a simplified version of the pattern where we had a command interface that has an Execute method and a Results property to retrieve the results:

public interface ICommand


      void Execute();


      string Result{ get; }
