- 作者:xiaoxiao
- 发表时间:2020-12-23 11:03
- 来源:未知
This set of routines is useful to convert between various 'bases' in Oracle:
create or replace function to_base( p_dec in number, p_base in number ) return varchar2is l_str varchar2(255) default NULL; l_num number default p_dec; l_hex varchar2(16) default '0123456789ABCDEF';begin if ( p_dec is null or p_base is null ) then return null; end if; if ( trunc(p_dec) <> p_dec OR p_dec < 0 ) then raise PROGRAM_ERROR; end if; loop l_str := substr( l_hex, mod(l_num,p_base)+1, 1 ) || l_str; l_num := trunc( l_num/p_base ); exit when ( l_num = 0 ); end loop; return l_str;end to_base;/
create or replace function to_dec( p_str in varchar2, p_from_base in number default 16 ) return numberis l_num number default 0; l_hex varchar2(16) default '0123456789ABCDEF';begin if ( p_str is null or p_from_base is null ) then return null; end if; for i in 1 .. length(p_str) loop l_num := l_num * p_from_base + instr(l_hex,upper(substr(p_str,i,1)))-1; end loop; return l_num;end to_dec;/show errors
create or replace function to_hex( p_dec in number ) return varchar2isbegin return to_base( p_dec, 16 );end to_hex;/create or replace function to_bin( p_dec in number ) return varchar2isbegin return to_base( p_dec, 2 );end to_bin;/create or replace function to_oct( p_dec in number ) return varchar2isbegin return to_base( p_dec, 8 );end to_oct;/
how to use them:
SQL> select to_bin( 123 ) bin, to_hex( 123 ) hex, to_oct( 123 ) oct from dual 2 /
BIN HEX OCT--------------- --------------- ---------------1111011 7B 173
SQL> SQL> select to_dec( '1111011', 2 ) base2, to_dec( '7B' ) base16, 2 to_dec('173',8) base8 3 from dual 4 /
BASE2 BASE16 BASE8---------- ---------- ---------- 123 123 123
however , if you can use to_number function to convert between hex and dec
select to_number('AA','XXXX') from dual;
select to_char(10,'XXXX') from dual; /*10 is A in this case */