  • 作者:xiaoxiao
  • 发表时间:2020-12-23 10:59
  • 来源:未知



  2 conspicuous

  3 crevice

  4 depredation


  1. conspicuous adj. (con- together + spic- to look; look at +-uous tending to ® tending to be looked at together ®) obvious or noticeable; striking in a way that attracts attention明显的;显眼的;惹人注目的Soon after the shooting,“No Trespassing”signs appeared in conspicuous colors at conspicuous locations around the preserve.这次狩猎事件发生后不久,在禁猎区周围引人注目的地方即出现了醒目的“不准入内”的牌子。

  2. depredation n. plundering劫掠After the depredations of the invaders, the people were penniless.那儿的人们遭受侵略者劫掠后一文不名。

  3. discrete adj. separate; unconnected分离的;不相关的The universe is composed of discrete bodies.宇宙是由相互分离的天体所组成的。

  4. discreet adj. (being carefully“separated apart”(from errors) ®) careful not to do or say the wrong thing; prudent (言行)谨慎的;慎重的He maintained a discreet silence.他审慎地保持沉默。

  5. disseminate v. (In disseminate, the prefix dis- keeps its original Latin sense“apart.”This prefix was attached in Latin to the verb seminare,“to sow,”which itself was derived from the noun semen,“seed.”) to distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds)散布;传播;撒播(种子等) By their use of the internet, propagandists have been able to disseminate their pet doctrines to new audiences around the globe.宣传者利用因特网把其偏爱的信条传播至全球的新观众。

  6. elicit v. (L, to draw out ®) to draw out by discussion引出;诱出;使露出The detectives tried to elicitswhereshe had hidden his loot.侦探试图诱使他说出他藏匿赃物的地方。

  7. elusive adj. evasive; baffling; hard to grasp躲避的;令人困惑的;难以捉摸的Trying to pin down exactly when the contractors would be done remodeling the house, Nancy was frustrated by their elusive replies.南希试图使承包商明确表态到底什么时候可完成房子的改建,但这些承包商的回答闪烁其词,使南希感到沮丧。

  8. epidermis n. (Gr, upper skin ®) the outer, protective layer of the skin【解】表皮

  9. exempt v. (to take out ®) to free from a rule or obligation which applies to others; excuse豁免;免除Students who get very high marks will be exempted from the final examination.获得高分的学生可免期末考试。exemption n. exempt adj. not subject to a duty or obligation被免除(责任等)的,被豁免的Because of his flat feet, Foster was exempt from serving in the armed forces.福斯特有平足缺陷,故被免参军。