- 作者:xiaoxiao
- 发表时间:2020-12-23 10:59
- 来源:未知
1) 使用Eclipse3.0+lomboz3.0+jboss3.2.3开发EJB(一)
2) Eclipse 3 + Lomboz 3 + Tomcat 5 开发网站
第一种方法:This is because of cached eclipse plugin/feature information. The solution is simple - Start eclipse with: eclipse -clean option
第三种方法:Having troubles with installing Lomboz 3.0? Just follow the steps below:
1. Remove your Eclipse folder completely 2. Unzip Eclipse 3. Do not run Eclipse at this stage!!!! 4. Unzip EMF 2.0 runtime 5. Unzip Lomboz 3.0 6. Run Eclipse for the first time, and you will be able to configure your Lomboz 3.0
It is very important to note, after you unzip Eclipse, you can't run it after you unzip EMF and lomboz. If you have run Eclipse for the first time before you unzip EMF and lomboz, they will not appear in the 'Customize Perspective'
3.lomboz配置完成后,启动tomcat不成功,出现Bootstrap: Class loader creation threw exception java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError,怎么解决?
I edited the file "tomcat50x.server" under C:/eclipse/plugins/com.objectlearn.jdt.j2ee_3.0.1/servers and changed -Djava.endorsed.dirs="${serverRootDirectory}/bin;${serverRootDirectory}/common/endorsed" to -Djava.endorsed.dirs="${serverRootDirectory}/common/endorsed" in the following 'tags': <startVmParameters>-DJAVA_HOME="${jrePath}" -Dcatalina.base="${serverRootDirectory}" -Dcatalina.home="${serverRootDirectory}" -Djava.io.tmpdir="${serverRootDirectory}/temp" -Djava.endorsed.dirs="${serverRootDirectory}/bin;${serverRootDirectory}/common/endorsed"</startVmParameters> and <stopVmParameters>-DJAVA_HOME="${jrePath}" -Dcatalina.base="${serverRootDirectory}" -Dcatalina.home="${serverRootDirectory}" -Djava.io.tmpdir="${serverRootDirectory}/temp" -