The Program Extention
  • 作者:zhaozj
  • 发表时间:2020-12-23 10:58
  • 来源:未知

Problem Description:

                A manufactured item can have one of the solid shapes cone,                cylinder or rectangle and can be made from one of a number of                materials, such as plastic or metal. Write a program to input                the density of the material and the shape and dimensions of the                item and to display the weight of the item.(Hint: Different                shapes will require different dimensions to be input and                different calculations to be performed to calculate the volume.                Firstly, ask the user to specify the shape, and then use a                switch statement to allow the program to perform input and                calculations specific to that shape.)

My Opinoin:

     Shall I use a structure to store the item information? For example, store the length, width and height of a rectangle, even the equation to calculating the weight. That will have a good extention.     However, the problem is that the elements of the structure is changable. For example, a cyclinder has only two element: radius and height to calculate its cubage while a rectangle needs three: length, width, height. How can I solve this problem?     If the problem is solved, there is no need to modify the code when a new item is added. Otherwise, we have no choice but to rewrite the code.     Which way should I follow?

TimWang - China

August 18,2004